7 artists from across america were challenged to create music that is as seperated from their current styles as possible. The end result was infinitely Bepis.
Released November 11, 2021
Mixed & Mastered by ENDOR
Art by Azrael Gabriel
Amy would like to thank Nattymari for introducing her to the art of internet music, Problem.Areas would like to thank the Covid Crisis and the unconvetional opportunities that have been presented, Yam Lynn would like to shout out alptrack for the samples on “tjlow” and aria bare for the samples on “arbb323s”, yrohmgirl says: “Pain Portal was made with love. disabled people are hot!”
Bepis Labyrinth as a collective would like to thank 0utskrrts, Gossip Boys, newwwmusic and everyone who has given us their love and support.